Monday, November 26, 2012

An introduction of sorts...

Hello, my name is Vanessa and I'll be honest with you, this thing is going to be under construction for awhile. I swear, I'm not nearly as boring as this blog is right now. I'm a senior illustration major at the Southwest University of Visual Arts and as a senior portfolio requirement we are encouraged to start a blog... unfortunately I am a cave dwelling hermit so, frankly, I just kind of stare off into space and flail at a keyboard and hope something intelligible comes out of it.  For a few weeks at least, it will mostly serve as an online gallery for my senior portfolio/studio pieces as I frantically run around like a chicken with my head cut off so I can finally be done with school. :]

I guess I should tell you a little about myself, huh?

Well... I am an illustrator living in the desert of Southwest Arizona, I focus primarily on horror based art (don't let my senior illustration fool you, I'm really not that obsessed with fruit). Ever since I was a kid I've always been a horror junkie (understatement) and it seems to always want to creep into my art. I like to sneak a bit of irreverent humor in my pieces and love to work with bright wonky colors. When not drawing obsessively I can be found outside communing with nature I guess. I do a bit of bone articulation and am recently venturing into actual taxidermy and will be posting some of that work later on.

I share my house with a fuzzy beard who puts up with my shenanigans and also an ugly pug who snorts and smells bad. She is a constant source of inspiration.... I mean, who wouldn't be inspired by this face?

Any way, later on, you can expect to see sketches, WIP, and any other sundry ramblings I see fit. I better end this post before it goes on any longer as I think its already ventured into rambling territory... and I ramble faaaaaar too much as it is.

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