Sunday, December 9, 2012

CD cover

CD Cover
Promotional Illustration
Created in Photoshop

This was the cd cover for my digital portfolio... It features my face... looking like I'm about to mug you in a dark alley.... oh my.

The beard

Promotional Illustration
Created in Photoshop

This is my fiance, Luke. He likes guitar... I like drawing his beard... hair is so therapeutic to draw. He let me stare at him while he played until it just gave him a complex. 

This was done entirely in photoshop and I got to experiment with brushes I had never used before. Despite my experimenting I don't think it came out too bad.

Pugs again...

Thank You Card
Direct Mail
Created in Photoshop

And here he is again.... this time silently judging you whilst he swirls that brandy.

This piece was again, originally drawn in pencil and digitally colored. This was the illustration for a direct mail thank you card, but I'll just show you the illustration.