Sunday, December 9, 2012

CD cover

CD Cover
Promotional Illustration
Created in Photoshop

This was the cd cover for my digital portfolio... It features my face... looking like I'm about to mug you in a dark alley.... oh my.

The beard

Promotional Illustration
Created in Photoshop

This is my fiance, Luke. He likes guitar... I like drawing his beard... hair is so therapeutic to draw. He let me stare at him while he played until it just gave him a complex. 

This was done entirely in photoshop and I got to experiment with brushes I had never used before. Despite my experimenting I don't think it came out too bad.

Pugs again...

Thank You Card
Direct Mail
Created in Photoshop

And here he is again.... this time silently judging you whilst he swirls that brandy.

This piece was again, originally drawn in pencil and digitally colored. This was the illustration for a direct mail thank you card, but I'll just show you the illustration.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pugs in Bowlers

Pug Esquire
Personal Logo
Created in pencil, digitally altered in Photoshop

And so I've come to the pug post.... and believe me, this wont be the last one. For right now, this little guy, who is admittedly less offensive than my own muse, is serving as my personal identity... for now. He sits comfortably on letterheads, business cards and resumes. 

SUVA Tiger

Tiger Woman
SUVA Promotional Illustration
Created in Photoshop

My university has a tradition. Every year (for the past several years), every senior illustration major must do a tiger themed piece which will later be put into a gallery show. They have been collecting these illustrations for years and sadly, this year will be the last, so here is my own contribution. 

There is ultimately two versions of this illustration, this one, which I felt was more appropriate to represent my college and my own version which is a little more gritty... that one will be posted later. This was created from scratch in photoshop.

Dance of the Dead

Dance of the Dead
Licensing Illustration
Created with Pencil, Digitally colored in Photoshop

The Dio de los Meurtos if pretty big down here, and since I was feeling festive I decided to do a poster mock up for the processional/dance of the dead. This piece originally started off entirely in graphite (which, ironically is what I am the most specialized in, not that you could tell.) and was later scanned and cleaned up in photoshop. Color and texture was also added digitally. I'll post the sketches and original line work later.

Apple Going Green

Apple Magazine Page
Publishing Illustration
Created in Adobe Illustrator